GRP Meeting Minutes
Zhefeng ZHOU, Yangyu GAO, Muyi JIANG, Jiaying SUN, Kan LIU, Zhe REN
Heshan DU
To discuss how to have a head start of our project.
- Background research
- Java GUI programming
- Algorithm in prototype
Background search
We discussed two ways to do background search, one is issuing questionnaire and other one is searching similar apps via Internet and checking their features.
Java GUI tutorial
We discussed how to make a head start of Java GUI programming, and decided to start from the textbook and produce simple demo to get familiar with related packages.
Algorithm in prototype
We discussed which sorting algorithm to start with when developing the prototype. Possible options include bubble sort, selection sort and insertion sort, we’ll learn a little bit and discuss it before 30 Sep. 2016.
Action Points
- Set up the website for the project
- Design and issue the questionnaire, and send a draft to Heshan
- Start to prepare the first version of requirement specification
- Produce simple java programs with GUI
- Decide which algorithm would be used in the prototype, learn and implement it in java code
- Start to learn Latex, get the software download and installed on the computer