It's our wits that make us men.

2016-10-24 Meeting Minutes

Posted on By YangyuGao

GRP Meeting Minutes


Zhefeng ZHOU, Yangyu GAO, Muyi JIANG, Jiaying SUN, Kan LIU, Zhe REN


Heshan DU


To discuss how to have a head start of our project.


  1. requirement specification problem specific code processing any other useful function
  2. user story
  3. GUI draft
  4. software estimation
  5. Q&A


  1. Requirments:
  2. Too long(for larger project)—>reduce section
  3. Spelling and grammar problems
  4. Delete repeat part in different section
  5. Reference list moved to the end
  6. Constraint: time limit—–>change
  7. Curcial + appointment of requirement
  8. user story finish prototype first—->do that later
  9. GUI JAVAFX: try to write some code about that
  10. application prototype and interface discuss specific user function

Action Points

  1. Improve the requirement specification
  2. continue to design and prototype our software
  3. try javaFX function
  4. Keep learning java GUI and LaTex

Next Meeting: 31 Oct. 2016