It's our wits that make us men.

2016-10-31 Meeting Minutes

Posted on By YangyuGao

GRP Meeting Minutes


Zhefeng ZHOU, Yangyu GAO, Muyi JIANG, Jiaying SUN, Kan LIU, Zhe REN


Heshan DU


To discuss methods to specify our jobs of this project


  1. Requirement Specification (v2)
  2. GUI


  1. Requirement specification
    • We fixed more details about our specification in several ways(grammar, format, detail, etc.)
  2. GUI
    • Fingal do the JavaFX GUI demo, we decide to use JavaFX for our software’s user interface.

Action Points

  1. Continue write the specification
  2. Write a high level prototype
  3. Try to write the GUI of the software
  4. Pre-work of the Interim Group Report

Next Meeting: 7 Nov. 2016