GRP Meeting Minutes
Zhefeng ZHOU, Yangyu GAO, Muyi JIANG, Jiaying SUN, Kan LIU, Zhe REN
Heshan DU
To check what we have done last week
- Fix some bugs of input function
- Change the UI element of user interface
- Heap sort and quick sort animation
- Fix some bugs of input function
- User can make random input by click the random button.
- The input bug still has not been achieved. We will continue to do it.
- Change the UI element of user interface
- The play button has been changed more fancy.
- Heap sort and quick sort animation
- The Heap sort animation and quick sort animation have been achieved.
Action Points
- Continue to achieve merge sort animation
- Improve the input function
- Fix the bug of size and height of animation
- Add more related functions of animation